Every late summer, the breath of passion revives the famous Var harbor in the prospect of a week of exception. The blend of classic yachts with ultra modern boats is the main feature of sails and true “trademark”.As are the party and the land Many activities, Largely open to the public and Tropéziens. In 2018, the appointment of the celebration for the 20th time the combination of traditional yachts with boats of the third millennium. More than 300 boats up to 50 meters are racing Each Day in the Gulf of St. Tropez from last September weekend. Two decades already, the Société Nautique de Saint Tropez offers lovers of beautiful sails contents, each year before the fall, a rare one-time, dedicated to The Many pleasures of the sea.
For a week, 300 boats, Classics and Modern Nearly 4,000 sailors will again celebrate ashore and on the water has some way of

living the sea, in a spirit of sharing and conviviality. 1999 -2019, the history of Sails HAS Declined to highlights in highlights, and this anniversary edition jutting will, I promise, happier, livelier, Sportier, and more spectacular than ever. Plateau sparkling all round dedicated, Often sublime centuries-old ships, futuristic prototypes maxi yachts Wally again resolutely Navy town
Website : http://www.lesvoilesdesaint-tropez.fr/les_voiles_de_saint_tropez/